Beautiful, sweet Alex gave me this adorable Happy Award which really made my day, so here are ten things that make me happypandapants:
1. Clark Kent, the most incredibly adorable and fantastic dog to ever exist. :) Most of the time I'm convinced she's all I need in the world. We're perfect for each other.
2. Leftovers straight from the refrigerator because I've convinced myself that cold food, specifically day-old chicken fettuccine Alfredo, is actually healthier.
3. The way my legs feel after a terrible run or set of squats. You know, that squibbly feeling where you know you could collapse at any given second? YES.
4. My old apartment and my (former) roommate. 333 FOREVER. I love you, Jennifer!
5. The technological advances of society that have brought me both gchat and the Briarwood listserv, two of my very favorite things in the world.
6. Writing.
7. Napping in my backyard.
8. Reading a real page-turner, the kind of book so good you can't help but curl up, away from any & every distraction, and read all in one afternoon. God bless the likes of Jane Austen and Fyodor Dostoevsky, but the real page-turners for me usually end up being trashy teen novels. Guilty pleasure #987271113.
9. Great hair days, however few and far between they may be.
10. Clicking the "Pay Remaining Balance" button on my online credit card statement. FUCK YOU, DISCOVER. I am your slave no longer!
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