Saturday, January 8, 2011

a stylish award

Joelle over at Love is Home gave me this little Stylish Blogger Award which, can I tell you, just absolutely made my day. Thanks, Joelle! :)

There are four duties to perform to accept this award:
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!

So, seven things about myself...
1. I've been to Africa and dined on zebra (sorry to all those vegetarians out there)
2. I have an inexplicable fascination (read: obsession?) with Mandy Moore movies
3. Originally I attended Stephen F. Austin State University before transferring to Texas A&M as a sophomore and sometimes I'm sad I missed out on freshman year in my beloved Aggieland
4. Working out in gyms makes me feel uncoordinated and, as a result, idiotic.
5. I squeeze lemon juice onto my cheesecake and was recently told that was weird...? Okay, whatever, my parents RAISED ME TO EAT IT THAT WAY AND IT TASTES GOOD, so shut up Mitch. That just means more cheesecake for me.
6. And on that note, cheesecake is probably my favorite food. Not dessert. FOOD.
7. My second favorite food is Sloppy Joes (and, yea, I eat them like I'm twelve-years old).


thobeka said...

you've been to africa! yay :) i always get excited when i find people who've visited my continent... where in africa were you?
oh and you ate zebra?? kudos to you! something i've never even thought of eating - and i'm african!

Anonymous said...

I visited Kenya for about three weeks, although this was several years ago. And yea, on our last night we went to this restaurant called The Carnivore where the waiters walked around carrying huge trays of meat, every kind you could imagine. It was so cool!

And zebra was yummy. I may or may not have brought my own bottle of ketchup, though, and I mean...everything tastes yummy with ketchup, haha.

CarrieJo said...

ah thank you so much!!!! :)

Sarah said...

aww thanks so much!!!

kendalmarie said...

Aw why thank you Lover! :) But really your blog is definitely AMAZING and my favorite to read I must say!

PS: ZEBRA?!?!? lol seriously one of the most strangest/sad things I have heard of to dine on. But I am a baby when it comes to that... I will hardly eat deer. lol

Unknown said...

YAY!! Thanks girl!
The strangest thing I've ever eaten is Ox's tongue. My mother tricked me. I'm still getting over it ;).

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