Tuesday, June 14, 2011


It's finally here, y'all.


And oh goodness, I had such plans in my mind for this day. I was all, First I'll sleep in past 6 and then go for a run, and then I'll shower and go to the Flag Day celebration on Main Street (cute, right?!) and then maybe I'll go swimming and clean my room AND vacuum!


I know it's only 10am, but so far all I've done is put on my swimsuit, eat mini Reese's peanut butter cups, sit on my couch and cry while looking at wedding pictures on Facebook.


Uh-oh, does that mean I have wedding fever again?

My bad.

And now I feel so lazy that I'm going to drag myself off this couch, consider showering but then decide to skip it, and go to this adorable little Flag Day thing. By myself, but whatever. Why not, right?

Happy Tuesday, dudes!

PS: In related I'm-all-talk news, I'm a pussy and had all of ONE beer this weekend. Wtf? WHO AM I?


Holly said...

Always fun looking at wedding pictures ;) I never do what I plan to do on my day off if I'm feeling lazy...so just enjoy it!

Heather said...

Haha! I'm disappointed in you. There should've been sangria present with the Reese's cups and wedding picture stalking.

lil desiqua said...

That sounds like the perfect way to spend a day off...well except add booze as Heather suggested. You still gotta make up for that one beer weekend!

Hope you made it to the parade! I left something for you on my blog!

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