Wednesday, February 2, 2011

please sign if you love miss townsend

Y'all, seriously, it's been a week since I've blogged and I feel like a perfect stranger in the blogosphere right about now.

The weekend and past several days have been busy (and, okay, a bit...tumultuous?). The high points included me already getting called a bazillion times to substitute teach, Mitch and I going to a Mavs game on Saturday night (which they won!), and having the past two days off work due to Dallas' version of Snowmaggedon. Well, Icemaggedon? Whatev. The point is DFW has all but completely shut down since yesterday morning when the entire metroplex was coated with very slick, very dangerous ice. And remember, we're TEXANS, y'all. We don't know what the shit to do in this weather.

And the low points of the weekend/week?

We won't get into those, but I will say I haven't been home all week and instead have been camping out (with my two energetic, very confused dogs) at Mitch's family's house. It's been...cozy. No, seriously, it's been fine and even relaxing to have spent the past several days all together watching Law & Order for hours on end.

Anyway, what I really wanted to tell y'all was that I had my first subbing assignment on Monday! I got the call at 5:30 AM saying a sub was needed at a nearby elementary school to cover sixth grade social studies for the day, was I interested in the job? UMMMMM YES PLEASE.

Now, let me backtrack a little bit: I was NERVOUS. And, okay, cranky from being nervous. I'd never subbed before. What if I did it wrong? What if the kids hated me and wouldn't listen and I managed the burn the whole school to the ground? I don't know, whatever. Turns out I was making a way bigger deal out of the whole thing than I needed to because it.was.AWESOME. I wish I could sub every day for the rest of my life. Why? Probably because I don't have to be regular teacher so I get to say things like, Yo, broski, close your mouth, and So...I'm Miss Townsend...and I'll be your sub today...WHAT UP. You know, the usual.

I didn't pay them to write this.

On that note, I think I'm figuring out that I just don't know how to talk to kids. I felt like I said a lot of weird things throughout my day as a sub? But, praise God, the kids seemed to love me, if only because I referred to Lil' Wayne as Weezy, baby and "wasn't 80 years old and ugly" (this apparently has been a "big problem" for the students in the past...what?). I also let each of the four classes pick team names for the day so instead of yelling HEY SIXTH GRADERS to get their attention, I got to yell things like VIPERS! ASSEMBLE! and HEYYYY LITTLE MONSTERS! (yep, Gaga-style)

Coolest sub ever?


After erasing the board at lunch, the second half of the day lead to this. And it's totally okay that it made me fee like a rockstar. Jealous?

The (shallow, ego-boosting) highlight of my day had to be when one of the problem kids in the class came up to me and said I was the prettiest sub they'd ever seen. Thanks, buddy! I also got home that afternoon and had ELEVEN FRIEND REQUESTS on Facebook. I didn't even know elementary school students had Facebooks? Anyway, Mitch told me I'm not allowed to accept them because of the whole teacher-student thing, which makes me sad, but I guess I understand. Meh.

All this to say subbing is great and, so far, one of the most fun things I've ever done. EVER. And while snow days are also great, I've actually been bummed to not have had the chance to work the past two days. Here's to hoping things return to normal tomorrow and I can get back at it. :)

PS: Weirdest comment of the day? One of girls (who was suuuuper strange, by the way, and kept STARING at me and saying, soooooo, do I freak you out?) came up to me, hugged me and said, After school, will you take me to Chili's and buy me a virgin margarita? Wtf?

PPS: My response? No. Why are you weird? Hey, at least I'm honest.


Unknown said...

Ha. Andrea, you would be my favorite sub too.

I think it's hilarious that they friend requested you on Facebook...did they really think you would be their friend?

Why are you weird...


Heather said...

Oh my gosh, that is too funny! You sound like an awesome sub!

My husband is coaches high school basketball and he is always getting requests- even from people not on his team!

kendalmarie said...

hahahah LOVE IT! Isn't 6th aweseome! That is my student teaching assignment and the kids are amazing! They really do say some funny stuff! lol I have a little group of five boys that follow me around and one of them told me I was a straight up ten. wfh?? lol I laughed hysterically after the fact I told him it was inappropriate to rate me. lol

jen said...

I miss Pete. Sorry. It had to be said.

k said...

I loved reading this! I'm also signed up to be a sub at a school here and am so nervous!!

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Okay I snorted at that last comment. Hysterical!

TriGirl said...

Dude. First off, props on all that student love. Kids can be vicious and those 'love' boards are awesome! You must have breathed a huge sigh of relief to get that first gig out of the way! Sounds like you rocked their world--way to go!

Hello Jessica Lynn said...

What a great thing from your students!!

I am blog hopping today and thought I would stop by your blog.

Feel free to stop by either or both of my blogs and follow:

Jessicas Lil Corner is where I blog about life and family at

So Stylilized is where I am currently offering FREE Custom Blog Designs at

Come on over, say hello, and follow!

Have a blessed Thursday!

CarrieJo said...

i think that we should be teaching teach next door to each other because we would have some fun with the kids! i love making up random stories and they always believe it


like the time that i told them that my husband had a tattoo of my face, on his face. and when he closed he eyes were tattooed on his. so naturally they turn to look at my wedding photo and ask, "did he just wear concealer on his whole face?" ---ahhh it is tooo easy! :)

glad you students loved you! :)

CarrieJo said...

gave ya a little shoutout on my blog!

chelsea rebecca said...

you are way too awesome! i wish you were my sub when i was in school! haha!

Megan said...

oh. my . gosh. this story is seriously hilarious.

your writing is brilliant.

Katherine Michael said...

Found you from CarrieJo's blog. Sounds like a fun day of subbing! So funny! Maybe when i'm done with corporate america I will give the sub-teaching thing a whirl.

Anonymous said...

Y'all are so precious - thanks for all the sweet comments! I love being funny. Score.

And Carrie Jo, ah! Thank you for the shoutout on your blog and YES CAN WE PLEASEEEE BE TEACHING BUDDIES. Gah. That would be too awesome for words. I don't know if the students could handle it.

Shay said...

Where were you when I was in school, Miss Townsend?;-) Cute blog! You are too funnay!

Mindy said...

I found your blog via Carrie's!

I love subbing - especially elementary students! They keep you on your toes for sure. My best subbing story was when a 5th grade boy gave me his number. HAHA.

Unknown said...

I can barely function after reading that. There's too much!

Such sweet things from the kids too! K-Money's blog talks about her teaching experiences which are NOT THE SAME but still hysterical to read about. (

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