Monday, March 14, 2011

true life: my bff is a trekkie

My BFF Kristin is a Trekkie. I probably should have mentioned this last week when I wrote about how awesome she is because, really, y'all need to know that even beautiful people are weird on the inside.

Thanks to gchat for making the following conversation possible.*

Also thanks to, obviously.

Kristin: okay so

the borg is the group that they call The Collective. And i honestly don't know how it started....i might look that up later

but anyway

there's thousands of them

and they are these weird robot thingys. but what makes them scary is that they all used to be people, but when they conquer a new group of people, they "assimilate" them. so they jab this thing into your neck and it plants this bug into you that turns you into a robot

and so there's no individuality, and no human traits left.

me: Oh my god

Kristin: (and actually, you don't have to be human to be assimilated)

so they're totally heartless, but they all think as one because The Collective shares thoughts and memories

so they can beat ANYBODY

because if they assimilate a person that knows something about weapons defense for one race, the whole Collective knows.

me: That actually makes a lot of sense

Kristin: and they would say this phrase that was something like, "Prepare to be assimilated. Resistance is futile."

it scared the shit out of me when i was little

and then you lose your name, you just become a number

so there's your number in the collective, but then there's number that you're commonly known as

and there was one Borg that the Voyager actually saved, and her name was Seven of Nine

and they got her whole family and everything, and they removed part of the robot stuff that was infecting her, so she had to relive everything she saw right before she was assimilated

that wasn't a happy episode

i'm sure there are more technical names for all this, but, thank god, i don't know them.

me: No, I think you've already proved that you know more than enough


me: This is so going on my blog

Kristin: whatever. i'm proud of who i ma.

me: I'm proud of who I ma, too

Kristin: goddammit. screw you.

*It should be noted that I in no way incited this conversation. This was all Kristin, all the time.


Hogan said...

The Borg were scary! All their ships were just giant cubes...but the baller ships were actually spheres.

Seven of Nine was a totally hottie btw. There was also an episode where they somehow got a hold of some Borg technology from the future and started replicating future borgs on the Voyager to help fight off borg from the present. They though Seven of Nine was their mother. That's how the Voyager has systems two hundred years more advanced than anyone.

Live long and prosper...bitches.

Anonymous said...

You two are made for each other.

AbbieBabble said...

BFFs with strange tastes are my favorite thing. My BFF is WAY into country music. This far north, that's almost as crazy as being a trekkie.

gchats with said bffs are pretty much the best thing ever, too.

p.s. thanks for the good wishes today! So far so good.

TriGirl said...

andrea everyone knows resistance IS futile. Duh. i actually didn't watch a whole lot of TNG but i know the lingo. i mean doesn't every one? no? just me? (and your friend Kristin? and Hogan up there?) oh. never mind.

Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Okay The Borg scare the crap out of me! I'm a tiny bit of a Trekkie myself lol.

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