Thursday, January 6, 2011


As of this morning, I am having a love affair with this hair dryer attachment:

I'm really good at MS Paint.

Seriously, I never knew what this was for, just that it seemed to come with every hair dryer I've ever purchased. Normally I threw them away because I mean, I didn't need it. OR SO I THOUGHT. When I got my hair cut at that fabulous hair studio in Uptown, my stylist Chantel used this when doing my hair and I was all, Huh, people actually use that? So this morning I thought I'd give it a go and OH MAN BEST HAIR DAY EVER. Now, I'm not saying this is totally due to the magic of the plastic concentator nozzle piece...but it could be.

Also I'm choosing to take this as a good omen for the day.

And even if it's not a good omen, I'm still having a rockin' hair day, so really, I still win.


Alex said...

I use that attachement always! I, too, discovered it from a fabulous stylist. Yay for cool plastic attachments!

Unknown said...

Yay! Great Hair days are the BEST!

chelsea rebecca said...

AHHH YES! I love those things!! SO AWESOME for easy curls!

Unknown said...

I've never used one...I didn't even know what it was for. Thanks for enlightening me :)

Anyway, I have an award on my blog for you, if you're interested.



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